(877) 447-9798

COVID-19 Response

Current operating status

ASG Services were identified and designated early as an essential supplier to the supply chain. As such we are currently operating under a strategic concept which falls in-line with state issued orders and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Supplying to the medical, military, retail, and manufacturing sectors has resulted in a maintained demand for products and services in some sectors and increases in others as would be expected.

Regardless of demand, our employees are key to our capabilities which is why they have our full support in their decisions to either work or stay at home.  Supporting their country in a time of need is evident every day, but their safety is paramount.


ASG Services Current Status


Our facility

ASG Services Office


All employees with the ability to work from home, have been provided with the equipment and connectivity to the same great customer experience. Fortunately, our recent move to a new facility and investment in technology meant we were already well prepared for a disaster reaction scenario, however we never expected something on this scale.

Therefore the sales, projects and accounts departments are all fully operational and supporting customers daily, contactable on the usual details.



A production shift sequence is in place minimizing worker interactions and maximizing workspace, so people can carry out production tasks while remaining beyond the recommended distance from others.

Material supply and shipping services remain intact, so we are currently able to respond to fulfill all orders as necessary, albeit with a slight increases in lead time.


Limiting the number of people in our facility is so far working well and has been for weeks as we reacted earlier than most given the nature of our customer base and geographical coverage.


Warehouse Label Rolls

Project planning

Our teams are still very much active and busy working with companies on live projects and those being planned for future execution.  The nature of our company means this element of the business is critical to customers as it enables them to focus on more important aspects of their business.

The project team is understandably grounded and working from home, but we utilize the latest technology and software for communication with each other, the customer and suppliers, so please feel free to request video conferencing if it’s your preference.


Efficiency developments

An interesting increase has come through efficiency developments in distribution during the current situation.  Customers looking to improve, optimize and utilize every asset in their business is being prioritized for longevity.  Its an area we excel in and where we were extremely successful during recession of 2008 and 2009.



Installation team

Due to some installation projects being classified as essential infrastructure to the USA, we have been working tirelessly to ensure our teams can perform without consequence, so those critical projects are unhindered.

Employing our own people enables us to regulate travel methods, timings, supplies, rest movements and interactions to ensure we comply with the CDC guidance and state by state issued orders.

There have unfortunately been projects that did not comply with the essential infrastructure requirements.  Those projects are currently delayed and classed as ‘Priority 2’ completion with more projects being added to our rolling schedule, until it is safe to perform them.

We are very grateful of the understanding shown by customers but assure them that we’ll do everything possible to achieve swift completion once fully able.


Label Installation Team


In summary

ASG Services will support its employees, customers and the USA for as long as possible with essential supply requirements and when we cannot, we’ll rest until its deemed appropriate to go again.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns relating to us supporting you and your business during these outlandish times.


We are using and recommend the following for advice:

Our local provider of health advice is:

We are working carefully with all resources to help limit risk and minimize the spread of COVID-19.

ASG Services


Have a question?

Call us on +1 (877) 447-9798 to discuss your situation and project. We're happy to help even if actions are limited at this time.

Send an email

We can respond with as much information as needed. Let us know what you need so we can help.

Visit our online store

Our online store provides customers with the opportunity to purchase standardized products. The same technology, production and quality control methods are used, so you can be assured of their performance and durability.

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